Mengpin Ge
Associate II, Climate Program
Mengpin is an Associate with WRI’s Global Climate Program. She leads data analysis and tool development for the Climate Watch platform and works on country-level GHG inventories as well as countries’ climate commitments in Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies under the Paris Agreement. She also supports various initiatives in tracking climate progress and identifying opportunities for enhanced ambition, utilizing data platforms and data-based tools.
Prior to joining WRI, Mengpin earned her M.S. in Energy Science, Technology & Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and B.S. in Environment Science from Nanjing University, China.
Mengpin was born and grew up in China. Outside work she enjoys exploring DC’s museums and exhibits, and discovering the food, cities, and national parks in the States.
Open Climate Network (Inactive)
Visit ProjectBringing together independent research institutes and civil society groups from key countries around the world to monitor national progress on climate change policy.
Part of ClimateTools, Reporting, and Analysis for Climate (TRAC)
Visit ProjectTRAC provides standards, tools, data, and analysis for use by countries, cities, and companies as the foundation for large-scale emissions reductions.
Part of ClimateClimate Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectClimate Watch offers powerful insights and data on national climate plans, long-term strategies and greenhouse gas emissions to help countries achieve their climate and sustainable development goals.
Part of ClimateTracking Climate Progress
Visit ProjectWRI works to provide national governments, cities and companies with tools and resources to track progress toward their climate goals and strengthen accountability for existing climate commitments.
Part of ClimateSystems Change Lab
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectMonitoring, learning from and accelerating the transformational changes required to protect both people and the planet
Part of Climate