Rebecca Carter
Director, Climate Adaptation & Resilience, Global/US Climate Program

Rebecca focuses on governance issues related to climate adaptation and resilience, including the transparency, equity and inclusivity of adaptation planning and implementation processes. Her work encompasses mainstreaming adaptation across sectors and at multiple scales from national to local, climate finance, as well as transformative adaptation, i.e. shifting entire systems to better address the climate challenge.
Rebecca has worked on climate change issues for much of her career, in academic, non-profit and federal government roles. She has conducted research on why agricultural adaptation will need to be more transformative and how to make it so; the climate change implications of water policies on demand and supply; how to make climate information more useful for diverse user groups; and intersections of land use planning and climate change.
Prior to joining WRI, she was a Foreign Service Environment Officer with USAID. She was posted in Indonesia, Uganda and the Philippines, and worked on clean energy, biodiversity conservation, water and sanitation, and forestry issues, in addition to climate resilience. Rebecca earned a Master’s and Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Adaptation Finance and Investment
Visit ProjectWRI aims to make climate risks more visible and actionable for governments, the financial sector and private industry to catalyze adaptation investments.
Part of Equity & GovernanceClimate Adaptation and Resilience
Visit ProjectAccelerating adaptation action and support for vulnerable people by working with governments, multilateral institutions, communities and other partners.
Part of ClimateClimate Resilient and Transformative Adaptation for Agriculture
Visit ProjectWRI aims to help small-scale agricultural producers in low- and middle-income countries build resilience to climate change through research, analysis, advocacy and stakeholder engagement.
Part of Climate ResilienceMainstreaming Adaptation
Visit ProjectStrengthening the resilience of sustainable development in a warming world
Part of Climate ResilienceAgriAdapt
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectAgriAdapt is a free online tool that helps agricultural funders, processors, distributors, government agencies, and other “missing middle” links of agricultural value chains better identify and understand the climate change risks they face.
Part of Climate