Neelam Singh
Senior Associate, Global Climate Program

Neelam is a Senior Associate with the Global Climate Program. She divides her time across several projects encompassing a wide range of issues, such as GHG accounting and reporting, mitigation impact assessment of policies and actions, systems change and just transition. Neelam is supporting the development of key indicators to monitor progress of big global shifts in the industry system as part of the Systems Change Lab initiative. She is also working on a guidance to support countries in monitoring just transition.
Previously, Neelam has contributed to projects supporting countries in designing and tracking their climate commitments, supporting emissions accounting by cities, and building capacity among corporates to track their emissions. She has also been involved in developing guidance to understand the transformational impacts of climate and development policies, and another assessment guide to estimate mitigation impacts of non-state and subnational actions. She has worked with policymakers and non-governmental partners in countries such as China, Colombia, India, and South Africa.
Prior to joining WRI, Neelam worked with Potomac-Hudson Engineering (PHE), a private environmental consulting firm, on environmental impact assessments. She also worked with the New Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment’s (CSE) climate change campaign and has worked as a short-term consultant with the World Bank. Neelam has an undergraduate degree in Physics from Delhi University and a Master’s degree in International Development Studies with a specialization in Environment Studies from Ohio University.
External Publications
Tools, Reporting, and Analysis for Climate (TRAC)
Visit ProjectTRAC provides standards, tools, data, and analysis for use by countries, cities, and companies as the foundation for large-scale emissions reductions.
Part of ClimateInitiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectICAT improves transparency by providing policymakers with tools and support to measure and assess the impacts of their climate actions.
Part of ClimateSystems Change Lab
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectMonitoring, learning from and accelerating the transformational changes required to protect both people and the planet
Part of Climate