
The fourth installment accompanies the release of the Green Power Analysis Tool. This installment identifies the business case for the tool, describes how it works, and explains how managers can input data on green power projects and corporate targets.

Executive Summary

This installment of WRI's Corporate Guide to Green Power Markets accompanies the release of the Green Power Analysis Tool.

This installment first identifies the business rationale for a Green Power Analysis Tool. It then describes how the tool is structured, and explains how corporate managers can input data on green power projects and corporate targets. Finally, the installment explains how managers can use the tool to analyze one or more green power projects and illustrates several of the tool's outputs.

About this series

The Corporate Guide to Green Power Markets is designed to help corporations understand, explore, and evaluate renewable energy opportunities. Published by the World Resources Institute, the Guide consists of a series of installments that will explore different aspects of corporate markets for green power, including:

  • The business case for green power
  • Major green power technologies including biomass, landfill gas (for electricity and for direct use), and wind
  • Strategies for corporate procurement of green power and methods for evaluating green energy opportunities
  • Policies for addressing obstacles to the creation of a robust corporate market for green power.

Installments will include useful tools, strategies, and case examples of corporate experiences with green power.

The series will be based on WRI's experience with the Green Power Market Development Group. Installments will be published approximately every quarter over 18 months (starting July, 2002). If you would like free hardcopies of installments to be mailed to you, please complete the mailing form.