Excellence in Research
At WRI, we are committed to providing high-quality products. Our research publications are held to traditional “academic” standards of excellence such as rigor and objectivity, and must be timely, fit for audience and rooted in a strategic plan for achieving positive change in the world. They also must align with WRI’s mission and values: integrity, innovation, urgency, independence and respect.
WRI’s research publications fall into one of six categories: reports, issue briefs, guidebooks, working papers, technical notes and practice notes. The review process for each of these categories is described below.
Reports, Issue Briefs, and Guidebooks
Reports, issue briefs, and guidebooks are polished publications. Reports share the results of in-depth research, typically based on extensive evidence. Issue briefs are short publications that inform policymakers in governments or international organizations. Guidebooks are designed to help users apply a clearly defined standard, practice, or process.
Reports, issue briefs, and guidebooks are subjected to an extensive process of both internal and external peer review with topic experts, target audience members, and reviewers with opposing viewpoints. WRI’s Research, Data, & Impact team manages this independent review process and provides reviews and final approval along with the director of the relevant WRI program, center, or international office. Guidebooks may also undergo a period of user testing.
Working Papers, Technical Notes, and Practice Notes
Working papers are intended to serve as a means of communicating work that is still in progress. In many cases, working papers consist of research requiring broad exposure and stakeholder feedback before it can be finalized as a report or issue brief. At other times, they serve as a means for responding to time-sensitive, rapidly evolving opportunities, such as analysis of a draft standard, or of country positions in an international process. Technical notes are publications documenting a research or analytical methodology that underpins a WRI publication, interactive application, or data product. Practice Notes share experiences and insights gleaned from the implementation of a specific activity in a single location.
Working papers, technical notes, and practice notes undergo internal and external peer and user reviews. Review and final approval are given by the director of the relevant program center, or international office. The Research, Data, & Impact team provides oversight for these publications, and additional review and approval when needed.
For more information about WRI's review procedures, please contact Allison Meyer.
If you notice an error in one of our publications or have concerns about the quality of our research, please contact the authors and copy publications@wri.org. WRI takes concerns related to its research seriously.