New Climate Economy
Experts & Staff
Program Experts & Staff
Yelena Akopian
Communications Manager, New Climate Economy
Katie Connolly
Project and Engagement Manager
Ifrah Farah
Grants & Finance Coordinator, New Climate Economy, WRI Africa
Beakal Fasil
Communications and Engagement Specialist, The New Climate Economy, WRI Africa
Arya Harsono
Research Analyst II, New Climate Economy
Karl Hausker
Senior Fellow
Andrea V. Mendez
Project Management Associate
Maurice Owiti
NCE Economist, WRI Africa
Iryna Payosova
Economist, Climate Action
Mikayla Pellerin
Project and Engagement Manager, New Climate Economy
Alex Simpkins
Communications Coordinator, New Climate Economy
Freya Stanley-Price
Communications Manager, Climate Program
Eden Takele
Engagement & Communications Specialist, Climate Program and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, WRI Africa
Arief Wijaya
Managing Director, WRI Indonesia