Eden Takele
Engagement & Communications Specialist, Climate Program and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, WRI Africa

Eden is the Engagement & Communications Specialist for the Urban Water Resilience and New Climate Economy programs. Working across the Climate and Cities centers, she crafts external communications, and coordinates events and outreach.
Prior to joining WRI, Eden worked as a Program Assistant at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies, where she led the organization of the Institute’s flagship Tana High-Level Forum. Eden holds a degree in Sustainable Development from the Earth Institute at Columbia University. She lives in Addis Ababa.
Urban Water Resilience Initiative
Visit ProjectBuilding sustainable, adaptive, resilient urban water systems.
Part of CitiesNew Climate Economy
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe New Climate Economy (NCE), a flagship project of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, brings together government, business and economic leaders to enhance global and national understanding of how climate action can drive economic, social and development objectives.
Part of ClimateCities4Forests
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA global alliance of cities acting to conserve, restore and sustainably manage forests and nature to support human well-being.
Part of Cities