Celine Salcedo-La Viña
Senior Associate
Celine Salcedo-La Viña is a Senior Associate at the Equity Center's Land and Resource Rights Initiative and Gender Equity Practice. She works to advance the land and natural resources rights, challenges, and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, especially women and other internally marginalized groups, in the international and national policy agendas. She also promotes gender and social equity and integration in climate change policies and programs at the global, national, and local scales. Her work includes legal and policy analysis and advocacy, tool development, and technical assistance. Her research has been cited in the UN-REDD Program Newsletter, New America Platform, Thomson Reuters, and Sojourners, among others.
Prior to joining WRI, Celine worked as deputy general counsel for corporate matters at the University of the Philippines' Office of the General Counsel and as a law clerk at the Philippine Court of Appeals. Earlier, she was a human rights correspondent for human rights NGOs in the Philippines. Celine has an LL.B. from the University of the Philippines College of Law, an MA in Liberal Studies, International Affairs Curricular Field from Georgetown University, and a Certificate in Tropical Forest Landscapes Conservation, Restoration, and Sustainable Use from the Yale School of the Environment. She also completed a Land Governance for Development course at the LANDac, Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Celine lives in Rockville, Maryland with her husband, Ricky, daughters Annika and Maika, and their chowchow Tofu.
Land and Resource Rights
Visit ProjectWRI’s Land and Resource Rights project aims to ensure that rural people and the urban poor have secure rights over their land and natural resources.
Part of Environmental RightsGender
Visit ProjectAdvancing gender equality through and for sustainable development.
Part of Equity & GovernanceIndigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Visit ProjectHelping communities protect their lands and the many benefits they provide
Part of Equity & GovernanceEnvironmental Rights
Visit ProjectProtecting people and the planet by strengthening natural resource rights and ensuring that everyone, everywhere, has the information, voice and power to shape environmental decision-making.
Part of Equity & Governance