A global program transforming cities for people and planet through sustainable, integrated and inclusive approaches to urban development.
From flash floods, smog and searing heat waves to water scarcity, urban sprawl and deepening social divides, cities face a range of overlapping and compounding challenges, intensifying the demands on their natural resources. These demands are only going to multiply: by 2050, 68% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas, with 90% of this growth taking place in Asia and Africa.
Complex challenges call for bold, cross-cutting solutions. UrbanShift is a GEF-funded program that supports more than 20 cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America to adopt integrated approaches to urban development, helping shape cities that are efficient, resilient and inclusive. It is led by UNEP and implemented in partnership with C40 Cities, ICLEI, UNDP, ADB and the World Bank.
Cities Indicators Dashboard
Developed for UrbanShift and Cities4Forests, this geospatial dashboard visualizes local connections between climate change and the urban environment by providing data on indicators across seven key themes, from air quality and extreme heat to green space access and biodiversity. Development of the dashboard is ongoing.
Our planning approaches span across traditional municipal sectors and tap into the many gains offered by nature-based solutions and the circular economy. We also advocate for progressive land use, low-carbon transport and neighborhood-centric projects.
The resulting changes are as immediate as they are far-reaching: cities where all communities enjoy healthier, more rewarding lives; natural ecosystems are valued, restored and protected; the infrastructure and economy are equipped to withstand climate and health crises; and carbon emissions are neutralized, helping to tilt the balance in favor of our planet.
Our Strategy
Annual Report
For more information about UrbanShift, our local projects and the activities we offer to cities, download our annual report.
Cities need to transform urgently, not only to meet shared climate and sustainable development goals, but also to provide a livable, just future for those who call them home.
UrbanShift’s strategy to achieving this transformation is two-fold:
Local Projects:
Through on-the-ground projects in India, China, Indonesia, Morocco, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Costa Rica, Argentina and Brazil, we’re collaborating with city officials and urban practitioners to implement innovative urban solutions that facilitate the shift toward sustainable, low-carbon development.
Global Platform:
We’re building a knowledge and learning platform that connects more than 20 cities with global expertise and cutting-edge research on sustainable urban planning. This platform will also provide opportunities to share experiences, forge partnerships and secure financing for local projects through virtual and in-person workshops and forums.
These two approaches combine to produce a trailblazing cohort of cities ready to take their climate ambition to the next level and lead the transition to a greener, more equitable future for all. Because when cities act, people and planet can thrive together.
Image credit: Dorothea Oldani/ Unsplash