WRI Annual Report 2011-2012

2011/2012 was a transition period as WRI said goodbye to President Jonathan Lash and welcomed new President Andrew Steer. With ample wind in our sails from 18 years of Jonathan’s leadership, the Institute’s accomplishments—many captured in this report—reflect both the strength and versatility he instilled in the organization.
Executive Summary
Our commitment to protecting the environment and improving people’s lives remains as strong as ever. The combined stress of rising and volatile commodity prices, ecosystem degradation, and global warming disproportionately affects poor and vulnerable communities, who rely on natural resources for their livelihoods and well-being. WRI will redouble its efforts to make the economic case and demonstrate through its work that sustainability and poverty reduction—and more broadly economic growth—go hand-in-hand.
The challenges facing the planet and people are epic in proportion. WRI was founded to pursue big ideas and make them happen. We remain optimistic that our efforts, amplified with hundreds of worldwide partners, are shaping a more sustainable planet for all people.