WRI Annual Report 2009

Executive Summary
At WRI, we manage for results and measure our success by the impact of our work. Results are generated through a highly focused system of clear goals and 5-year strategic objectives. Many are achieved in collaboration with WRI’s more than 400 partner organizations around the world.
To achieve transformational outcomes, WRI manages for excellence in everything from administrative efficiency to fundraising to communications. We learn from our successes and failures, and we constantly seek improvement and innovation. Pursuing excellence is an ongoing priority for all staff at WRI.
Record Fundraising and Increased Efficiency
WRI had its best fundraising year ever in 2009. As a result, our $34 million FY10 budget is 23 percent larger than our actual FY09 expenses. For the four years ended 9/30/09 WRI grew by over 40 percent and simultaneously reduced the internal support cost rates charged to programs by four percent, thereby freeing up an extra million dollars for programs. Th ere are a variety of reasons for this substantial growth, including the development of new strands of work which attracted significant support, and a continued emphasis on managing for results.
WRI is considered to be an efficient and well-run organization by our donors and by other third parties such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Charity Navigator. Our goal is for programs to be greater than or equal to 80 percent of our total expenses. For 2009, programs were 84 percent of total expenses.