WRI Annual Report 2005

In this annual report, we have highlighted some examples of how WRI is putting ideas into action to protect the Earth and improve people's lives.
Executive Summary
In this annual report, we have highlighted some examples of how WRI is putting ideas into action to protect the Earth and improve people's lives. We invite you to read this report and learn, for example, how our work with Alcoa, DuPont, GE, GM, FedExKinko's, Johnson & Johnson, and Whole Foods Market is helping to accelerate the U.S. response to climate change. The cover of this report depicts the new rapid transit system in Mexico City that EMBARQ, the WRI Center for Sustainable Transport, played a key role in creating. It moved nearly 70 million passengers in its first year and avoided 47,000 tons of CO2 emissions. The report also describes WRI's Access Initiative, a growing international movement to open environmental decision making to public scrutiny and participation.