World Resources 1994-95: People and the Environment

Special features of this outstanding edition include: Population and the Environment; Regional Focus on China and India; Women and Sustainable Development; Natural Resource Consumption.
Executive Summary
Widely recognized as a unique, authoritative asessment of the world's natural resource base, each World Resources report is a definitiave reference on the global environment with the latest information on essential economic, population, and natural resource conditions and trends for nearly every country in the world.
Special features of the 1994-95 edition include:
- Population and the Environment: An in-depth look at how rapid population growht in combination with poverty, land distribution, governmental policies, and other factors contribute to environmental degradation.
- Natural Resource Consumption: An authoritative, detailed analysis of patterns of natural resource consumption in both industrialized and developing countries.
- Women and Sustainable Development: This special report documents how women in developing countries play an essential role in slowing population growth, improving natural resource management, and achieving the economic, environmental, and social goals of sustainable development.
- Regional focus on China and India: A survey of this region's most critical environmental problems.
- Global Data Tables: The latest statistics on economic, population, environment, and natural resource conditions for 153 countries.
- Current Trend Reports: Incisive sumaries of global conditions and trends for more than one dozen key topics including population and health, food and agriculture, oceans and coasts, energy, wildlife and habitat, and forests and rangelands.
Relied upon by policymakers, journalists, scientists, environmental professionals, students, and concerned citizens around the world, World Resources is the best desktop reference on the global environent available.
World Resources Report
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