
This paper seeks to facilitate progress on the provisions in the BAP by examining how Chinese climate change policy and the implementation of these policies is monitored at the domestic level and may offer insights to the international community as they consider an international structure for measuring, reporting and verifying developing country actions. China provides a rich set of examples of such policies due to its active efforts to cut its growth in energy use and reducing its dependence on fossil fuels. The paper therefore looks at mitigation policies and measures in China across a variety of sectors and at policies and measures that employ both qualitative and quantitative measurement systems.

Executive Summary

The Bali Action Plan, adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2007, offers an opportunity to create a new space for enhanced mitigation action in developing countries through Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The benefit of NAMAs is the focus on national priorities and national circumstances, and the opportunities to garner support for these actions at the international level.