Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon - Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun (Version 2.0)

Please see our Congo Basin Forest Atlases page for the latest versions of our Congo Basin Atlases, along with links to online interactive maps, desktop mapping applications, GIS data, posters, and contact information.
This interactive atlas tool allows users to access the most complete and up-to-date information on the Cameroon forest sector – timber extraction areas, forest concession management plan status, volume of timber logged by concession area, and more.
Executive Summary
ATLAS ONLINE. You can also access the map server for the Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon online! This interactive map allows the user to create personalized maps, query information, zoom in to areas of interest, and download underlying spatial data.
The Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon (version 2.0) is the second (updated and expanded) version of this atlas, originally published by WRI in 2005.
This interactive atlas tool allows users to access, through a map viewing application, the most complete and up-to-date information on the Cameroon forest sector, including:
- timber extraction area boundaries and attributes,
- forest concession management plan status,
- volume of timber logged by concession areas
- and many others.
New information/themes in the second version include:
- forest concession boundaries and attributes,
- concession Annual Allowable Cut (AACs) boundaries and volumes,
- location and capacity of sawmills and
- managed hunting zone boundaries.
Its target audience includes members of government in Cameroon, the private forest sector, NGOs, community associations and concerned private citizens.
This accompanying overview report presents the new and updated content contained in this second version, in addition to discussing actions which have been facilitated by the first version and potential uses and applications of this updated and expanded version. The document also describes the current situation, terminology and legislation relating to the forestry sector in Cameroon.
This overview and associated interactive atlas are a product of the collaboration between WRI, the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Fauna and other partner institutions.
Forest Atlases
Visit ProjectThe Forest Atlases are online platforms that help countries better manage their forest resources by combining government data with the latest forest monitoring technology.
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