WASHINGTON— Country delegates will convene in Bonn, Germany next week for the next round of UN climate negotiations (April 30-May 10). During this session, negotiators need to make considerable progress on designing a robust set of rules to underpin the Paris Agreement (sometimes referred to as the “Paris Rulebook”) so they can be finalized and adopted this December. In addition, the Talanoa Dialogue will play a prominent role in Bonn, where negotiators and other stakeholders will engage in in-depth discussions which shall set the stage for countries to signal at the COP24 summit that they will enhance their national climate plans (NDCs) by 2020.

On Wednesday, April 25 at 9:30am EDT / 3:30pm CEST, World Resources Institute will host a press teleconference featuring experts who will reflect on what to expect from at the Bonn negotiations regarding the Paris Rulebook and the Talanoa Dialogue. In addition, speakers will zero in on what is happening on climate finance and how these negotiations fit into the broader political context, from the role of the United States to the forthcoming Global Climate Action Summit in California, and beyond.


WRI Press Call on the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany


Wednesday, April 25 at 9:30am EDT / 3:30pm CEST


David Waskow, Director, International Climate Action, World Resources Institute

Yamide Dagnet, Senior Associate, International Climate Action, World Resources Institute

Eliza Northrop, Associate, International Climate Action, World Resources Institute

Joe Thwaites, Associate, Finance Center, World Resources Institute


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