ADVISORY: Two Years Later: What Has Been the Impact of Trump’s Pledge to Withdraw from the Paris Agreement?
WASHINGTON — On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced his intent to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change, adopted by 195 countries in 2015. On Wednesday, May 29 at 11:15am, WRI is organizing a press call featuring high-level experts to reflect on how Trump’s announcement two years ago has impacted climate action in the United States and around the world.
Speakers will touch on the current state of U.S. engagement on global climate efforts, where there has been progress domestically and elsewhere, and what more needs to be done by countries, businesses, states and cities to address the climate crisis.
Panelists will include
U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (CT)
Mindy Lubber, CEO & President, Ceres
Andrew Light, Distinguished Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute, and Former Senior Adviser on Climate Change, U.S. State Department
Press Call on Second Anniversary of Trump' Pledging to Withdraw from the Paris Agreement
Wednesday, May 29 at 11:15am ET
U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (CT)
Mindy Lubber, CEO & President, Ceres
Andrew Light, Distinguished Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute, and Former Senior Adviser on Climate Change, U.S. State Department
Rhys Gerholdt, Senior Communications Manager, World Resources Institute (Moderator)
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