Expanding Transport Electrification in Mexico
Supporting the decarbonization of transport in Mexico by planning for EV charging infrastructure and BRT electrification.
In 2019, the transport sector was the second-largest GHG emitter in Mexico, responsible for 28% of GHG emissions. In Mexico City, the transportation sector contributes a third of particle emissions, 82% of VOC emissions and 90% of CO2. Public transport and heavy cargo contribute 50% of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions. Decarbonization strategies must target different urban transport modes at both the national and local levels.
WRI Mexico is supporting efforts by CFE-PAESE (Energy Saving Program of the Electricity Sector of the Federal Electricity Commission) and Metrobús to decarbonize transportation in Mexico, working to reduce costs in the technological transition towards the electrification of different transport modes.
The project has two workstreams:
Evaluation of Mexico’s electric charging network: The project is evaluating the existing electric charging network for light vehicles, including analyzing examples from other cities and countries and identifying policy gaps, in order to develop a roadmap for intermunicipal expansion.
Technical assistance for the electrification of Metrobús in Mexico City: The project is providing technical assistance to Mexico City’s public bus rapid transit system, Metrobús, through the creation of an electrification plan, with a focus on infrastructure requirements and investments.
This project has been developed with funds from UK PACT Mexico.