World Resources Institute (WRI) hosts the Secretariat of the AAC. Countries interested in joining the AAC should reach out to Rebecca Carter, Lead of Adaptation Action Coalition Secretariat, for more information.

Membership of the AAC is open to all member states of the United Nations. Members are encouraged to participate and benefit from a growing number of sectoral workstreams and other AAC membership meetings, activities, communications and outreach efforts.

Why join the AAC?

  • Contribute to building political influence and action on adaptation
  • Exchange knowledge with peer countries and attend high-level convenings to discuss adaptation issues
  • Heighten the visibility of your country’s adaptation efforts through AAC communications channels
  • Access useful tools, information and technical assistance from sectoral workstream partners

Prospective AAC members are welcome to join us to spotlight how their country:

  • Demonstrates on-the-ground action to respond to climate risks.
  • Contributes to building the evidence base on good adaptation planning, governance and collaboration to scale-up action. Supports the integration of climate risk into policymaking, planning, budgeting and investment decision making at all levels.
  • Ensures that their adaptation initiatives are driven by partnerships, particularly with local communities and the most vulnerable and marginalized stakeholders.
  • Integrates and operationalizes the Principles for Locally Led Adaptation.