The Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC) delivers support to countries through technical, sector-specific workstreams. The AAC’s workstreams are led by institutional partners that are global leaders and experts in their fields. The workstreams are action-oriented and provide technical support to AAC member countries in areas of critical importance for adaptation action. Click on the links below to learn more about the work taking place under each workstream.


Current AAC workstreams include:


Woman cleaning solar panels.

Led by the World Health Organization (WHO), the health workstream is committed to developing climate-resilient health systems which can withstand the impacts of climate change, are low carbon and more sustainable.

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Woman cleaning solar panels.

Led by the Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI), the infrastructure workstream is working to build global resilience through resilient infrastructure and integrating climate risk into investment decisions.

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Locally Led Adaptation

Woman cleaning solar panels.

Led by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the locally led adaptation workstream is working towards putting local communities at the heart of decision-making and finance to build climate resilience.

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Woman cleaning solar panels.

Led by the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), the water workstream is strengthening national climate plans on a global scale through better water management.


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Based on country demand, the AAC plans to expand the number of affiliated workstreams in the coming years. If you are an institution interested in providing support to countries through the AAC’s workstream approach, please contact Rebecca Carter.