Under the Paris Agreement, all countries are invited to communicate long-term climate strategies. These strategies are critical to revealing the scale and pace of climate action required to keep the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal within reach. To date, 33 Parties—representing more than 30 percent of global emissions—have formally submitted a long-term strategy to the United Nations.

Join World Resources Institute on October 13 to gain key insights into Parties’ long-term strategies. Drawing on new WRI research, experts will examine the plans submitted thus far and how they can drive ambitious national climate action in the near-term and help deliver on net-zero emission goals. Government representatives will share the political challenges and opportunities that informed how they developed their plans; other speakers will emphasize the importance of adopting a decision at COP26 that calls for countries to pursue robust long-term strategies in the years ahead. The webinar will also showcase updated tools on Climate Watch for policymakers and stakeholders to track and compare long-term strategies at any time. 


High-level panel

  • Maesela Kekana, Chief Director International Climate Change Relations and Negotiations, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa
  • Richard Baron, Executive Director, 2050 Pathways Platform

Technical panel

  • Cynthia Elliott, Associate II, World Resources Institute
  • Taryn Fransen, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
  • Katie Ross, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Clea Schumer, Research Analyst, World Resources Institute


  • Helen Mountford, Vice President, Climate & Economics, World Resources Institute (moderator)