Long-term Strategies: Lessons Learned and Shaping a COP26 Decision
Under the Paris Agreement, all countries are invited to communicate long-term climate strategies. These strategies are critical to revealing the scale and pace of climate action required to keep the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal within reach. To date, 33 Parties—representing more than 30 percent of global emissions—have formally submitted a long-term strategy to the United Nations.
Join World Resources Institute on October 13 to gain key insights into Parties’ long-term strategies. Drawing on new WRI research, experts will examine the plans submitted thus far and how they can drive ambitious national climate action in the near-term and help deliver on net-zero emission goals. Government representatives will share the political challenges and opportunities that informed how they developed their plans; other speakers will emphasize the importance of adopting a decision at COP26 that calls for countries to pursue robust long-term strategies in the years ahead. The webinar will also showcase updated tools on Climate Watch for policymakers and stakeholders to track and compare long-term strategies at any time.
High-level panel
- Maesela Kekana, Chief Director International Climate Change Relations and Negotiations, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa
- Richard Baron, Executive Director, 2050 Pathways Platform
Technical panel
- Cynthia Elliott, Associate II, World Resources Institute
- Taryn Fransen, Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
- Katie Ross, Senior Associate, World Resources Institute
- Clea Schumer, Research Analyst, World Resources Institute
- Helen Mountford, Vice President, Climate & Economics, World Resources Institute (moderator)
Tracking Climate Progress
Visit ProjectWRI works to provide national governments, cities and companies with tools and resources to track progress toward their climate goals and strengthen accountability for existing climate commitments.
Part of ClimateClimate Watch
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Part of ClimateLong-Term Climate Strategies
Visit ProjectSetting countries on the path to net-zero emissions and a more prosperous future
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