Getting the Transition Right for People, Nature and Climate
Supporting Country-led Transitions
Ultimately all impact is local. Every country must undergo its own transition based on its specific context and needs. That’s why WRI has chosen to go deep in select geographies. Just transitions at the country level can deliver progress for local communities, while generating momentum toward achieving global goals for people, nature and climate.
In addition to working globally, we’ll continue to work as a coordinated regional presence in Africa and Europe while prioritizing work in 12 “focus countries.” We’ve selected these nations because they house large populations of vulnerable people, hold much of the world’s remaining natural landscapes and/or have a significant opportunity to transition away from being high emitters. Our focus countries include Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States — countries where WRI already has a long-term presence — as well as Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, where we will deepen our engagement.
Our approach is to form multi-year partnerships with national governments, businesses, NGOs and others to support countries in their transitions, including in economic planning and finance across multiple sectors. We provide decision-makers with the data, research and evidence-based approaches needed to transform the way their nations produce and consume food, manage natural resources, generate energy and design cities. And we share lessons learned more broadly to help scale solutions worldwide and shape economy-wide shifts.
We know that local and national change takes years — not just an election cycle. In all cases, we base our work on deep political understanding and aim to co-create solutions with partners in-country so all sides feel invested.
More than 20 million children ride school buses in the United States. Most of these vehicles run on diesel, which produces toxic fumes linked to asthma, cancer and other diseases. Electric buses are far cleaner and safer, yet currently make up less than 1% of the country’s bus fleet.
WRI’s Electric School Bus Initiative brings together a range of stakeholders — from school districts and policymakers to bus manufacturers and transportation providers — to electrify all school buses in the U.S. by 2030. The initiative prioritizes bringing electric buses to low-income groups and communities of color, who are disproportionately burdened by diesel exhaust pollution.