Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon - Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun (Version 1.0)

Please see our Congo Basin Forest Atlases page for the latest versions of our Congo Basin Atlases, along with links to online interactive maps, desktop mapping applications, GIS data, posters, and contact information.
In one source, this Atlas contains much of the relevant spatially explicit data for forest management and governance in Cameroon.
Note: A more recent version of this Atlas is available.
Executive Summary
The Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon (Version 1.0) is one of the principal products of the ongoing Cameroon Ministry of Environment and Forest (MINEF) - Global Forest Watch (GFW) collaboration.
In one source, this Atlas contains much of the relevant spatially explicit data for forest management and governance including - updated Forest Management Units (FMU) and protected area boundaries, a roads dataset created from satellite imagery, and useful attribute data (i.e. management status, year of attribution, and wood volume production). The Atlas also includes an introductory document highlighting its contents and utility. Through this Atlas and related products, MINEF, GFW and partners seek to increase knowledge about Cameroon's forest use, and to enable better decision-making by providing data in accessible forms for use by government, industry, and the public. The Atlas is available in English, French and on CDRom.
Forest Atlases
Visit ProjectThe Forest Atlases are online platforms that help countries better manage their forest resources by combining government data with the latest forest monitoring technology.
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