Reefs at Risk
Raising awareness of threats to coral reefs and providing information and tools to manage coastal habitats more effectively.
The Reefs at Risk project assesses the status of and threats to the world’s coral reefs from a wide range of human activities including coastal development, overfishing, and pollution.
WRI's Reefs at Risk project has produced a series of global and regional map-based reports starting in 1998 with Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World’s Coral Reefs.
The most recent global report, Reefs at Risk Revisited (2011), is a high-resolution update of the 1998 global report and includes a first-ever analysis of climate-related threats to coral reefs as well as an assessment of the social vulnerability of nations and territories to reef degradation and loss. Reefs at Risk Revisited in the Coral Triangle (2012) is based on this global report while focusing more specifically on the countries of the Coral Triangle—Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste.
Other regional and local analyses include Reefs at Risk in the Caribbean (2004); Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia (2002); Reefs at Risk: Sabah, Malaysia (2003); and Belize Coastal Threat Analysis (2005).
Photo Credit: Michael Emerson