Coral Reefs - Polyps in Peril
Ocean advocate Céline Cousteau and cartoonist Jim Toomey (creator of Sherman's Lagoon) teamed up with the World Resources Institute to bring you Coral Reefs: Polyps in Peril. This short animated film tells the story of coral reefs with humor and admiration for these wondrous ecosystems. Learn about the unique biology of coral reefs and their importance to people around the world, as well as the serious threats that they face due to overfishing, pollution, and climate change. But don't let that get you down! The film also explores what individuals can do to help save coral reefs, including supporting sustainable seafood and tourism providers, reducing your CO2 footprint, and promoting coral reef conservation.
Projects that include this Resource
Reefs at Risk
Visit ProjectRaising awareness of threats to coral reefs and providing information and tools to manage coastal habitats more effectively.
Part of Climate