Webinar: Global Nutrient Management Toolbox
A closer look at the global nutrient challenge and the work of the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) to promote better science and policy solutions to overcome this challenge.
Presentation Slides
About The Event
Nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, are critical for growing crops and feeding the world. However, too many nutrients can harm our water, air, and soil quality; ecosystems and greenhouse gas balance. We face a ‘nutrient challenge’; that is, to produce more food and energy while at the same time decreasing our pollution and lifting more than 500 million smallholder farmers out of poverty. How we handle this challenge has significant implications for our ability to protect our local natural environments and meet our global commitments, including Sustainable Development Goals and UNEA resolutions.
The World Resources Institute, a Global Partnership on Nutrient Management partner, helped to develop the Global Nutrient Management Toolbox which was featured on this webinar. The Toolbox is a collection of promising practices, technologies and policies in use around the globe, and it provides a basin-scale model to assess current nutrient loads and simulate future alternative scenarios. Learn more about how this valuable resource can be used to meet your nutrient management goals.
- Ramesh Ramachandran, Chair, Global Partnership on Nutrient Management
- Christopher Cox, Programme Officer, UN Environment Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities (GPA)
- Mark Sutton, Project Director – Towards an International Nitrogen Management System, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
- Sasha Koo-Oshima, Senior Land & Water Officer, UN Food & Agriculture Organization
Sara Walker, Senior Manager – Water Quality & Agriculture, World Resources Institute
Moderated by: Lis Bernhardt, Programme Officer, Freshwaters Unit, UN Environment
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