
Despite inaction by Congress, the Obama Administration is acting on several fronts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.

This fact sheet outlines the steps the Administration has taken to reduce GHG emissions, with more important rules expected soon.

Key Findings

  • Despite inaction by Congress, the Obama Administration is acting on several fronts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • The Administration has taken significant steps already, with even more important rules expected soon.

  • State-level policies in many states are driving utilization of renewable energy and energy efficiency, supplementing and complementing federal actions.

  • The President’s Climate Action Plan is aimed at fulfilling the U.S. commitment to reduce emissions by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020, though achieving that goal is not guaranteed without aggressive implementation of the Plan by the Administration and federal agencies.

  • Economic trends are driving retirements of inefficient coal-fired power plants, and only six new coal plants are slated to be built.