Good practices in policies and measures for climate change mitigation

Examines activities implemented by six economies in transition (EITs) in Central and Eastern Europe to reduce or limit their emissions of greenhouse gases.
Executive Summary
In October 2001, Elena Petkova was invited to present project research results at the UNFCCC workshop on “good practices” in policies and measures held in Copenhagen. Her successful presentation was enhanced by the participation of project partners Mr. Andrzej Kassenberg (Poland) and Ms Valia Peeva (Bulgaria). The results of this workshop were later submitted to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA).
Dr. Petkova's presentation paper draws on the project research presented here in this longer research report, which examines activities implemented by six economies in transition (EITs) in Central and Eastern Europe to reduce or limit their emissions of greenhouse gases, given the quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives they have assumed under the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention.
The report seeks to test a set of criteria for assessing "good practices," within the range of domestic policies, measures and projects for GHG emissions abatement. The conclusions from the six national case studies (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia) also identify good practices and appropriate actions relevant to the whole region.
To read the table of contents or download case studies, visit the REC's Policies and Measures publication page. For hard copies, please contact to inquire about availability.