Liz Saccoccia
Water Security Associate

Liz Saccoccia is a Water Security Associate on WRI’s Water Team. Her work includes contributing to the Water, Peace, and Security Partnership. Through this project, she co-created a machine learning-based conflict prediction tool that leverages information on environmental, political, economic, social, and demographic conditions worldwide. The partnership was awarded the 2020 Luxembourg Peace Prize for Outstanding Environmental Peace.
Liz also supports the data creation and analysis for Aqueduct, a suite of tools that map water risks such as floods, droughts, and water stress, using open-source, peer reviewed data. She works with companies, governments, and research partners to advance best practices in water resources management and enable sustainable growth in a water-constrained world. Previously, Liz was the Data Team Lead on WRI’s Resource Watch, an open platform to explore accurate, up-to-date insights about our planet.
Prior to joining WRI, Liz served in Nicaragua as a Peace Corps Volunteer. She has worked previously at AidData and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Liz holds degrees in Geology and Environmental Science from the College of William and Mary, and is completing a M.S. in Analytics from Georgia Tech. She enjoys surfing, sailing, and hiking with her Nicaraguan husky, Atlas, and is based in California.
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectUsing cutting-edge data to identify and evaluate water risks around the world
Part of FreshwaterResource Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectResource Watch provides trusted and timely data for a sustainable future.
Part of ClimateWater, Peace & Security Partnership
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Water, Peace and Security (WPS) Partnership was founded in 2018 to pioneer the development of innovative tools that identify and address water-related security risks.
Part of Water SecurityCorporate Water Stewardship
Visit ProjectAdvancing sustainable water management in the private sector by empowering companies to reduce business risks and driving innovation in water-related data, tools and strategies.
Part of FreshwaterWater Security
Visit ProjectAddressing the security threats countries, cities and companies face from increasing, intensifying water risks
Part of Freshwater