Katie Wood
Communications Officer, Ocean Program
Katie Wood is the Communications Officer for the Ocean Program where she uses her background in marine science to help implement integrated communications strategies, develop key messages, and aid in the execution of ongoing engagement work for the program’s various initiatives, including the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Friends of Ocean Action and Ocean Watch.
Prior to joining WRI, Katie was the Conservation Programs Manager for Earth Day in Washington, DC where she designed and implemented the Protect Our Species and Earth Challenge programs which aimed to conserve endangered species as well as contribute to open-source data respectively. Originally trained as a marine scientist, Katie brings a unique communications perspective based on her deep understanding of our ocean’s ecosystems. For nearly a decade she studied the ecology of intertidal zones as well as that of coral reefs and has a deep interest in Blue Carbon and its role as a solution to climate change.
Katie holds a Master of Science in Conservation and Biodiversity, specializing in Marine Ecology, from University of Exeter and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Seattle University.
Katie also is immensely skilled at baking and specializes in quirky cakes.
High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectAlso known as the “Ocean Panel,” this unique initiative of 18 serving world leaders aims to build momentum toward a sustainable ocean economy.
Part of OceanOcean Watch
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectThe Ocean Watch open data platform delivers science to policy makers developing sustainable ocean economies and operationalizing integrated ocean management.
Part of Ocean