Javier Warman
Forests Director, WRI Mexico
Javier is the Forest Director at WRI Mexico. He is responsible for bringing the global experience to the national arena, supporting actions and policies for the sustainable use and conservation of the country's natural resources.
He has a trajectory of more than 20 years working in environmental issues, mostly as a public servant in Mexico's Federal Government. He has been General Director for Planning and Evaluation at the Ministry of Environment, Deputy General Director at Financiera Rural and General Director for Prospective Analysis at the Ministry of Social Development.
He holds a BA in International Relations from the Universidad Iberoamericana, MPhil in Environment and Development from University of Cambridge and Doctorate Studies from University of Sussex.
The Landscape Policy Accelerator
Visit ProjectInspiring, innovating and streamlining public policies for landscape restoration.
Part of Forest and Landscape RestorationGlobal Restoration Initiative
Visit ProjectWRI is partnering with governments, businesses, and communities around the world to restore millions of hectares of deforested and degraded land.
Part of ForestsInitiative 20x20
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA country-led effort to change the dynamics of land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Part of Forest and Landscape RestorationClimate Solutions Partnership
Visit ProjectA five-year philanthropic collaboration to scale climate solutions by combining HSBC’s financial expertise with the knowledge and experience of WRI, WWF and a network of local partners
Part of BusinessNature and Carbon Markets
Visit ProjectThrough research, guidance and strategic collaboration, WRI aims to increase confidence and investment in high-integrity nature-based carbon credits.
Part of Forests