WASHINGTON (September 15, 2021)—Next week the United Nations will host the first-ever World Food Systems Summit to address inequities and inefficiencies in the global food system. 

On Monday, September 20 at 9:00 am EDT / 15:00 CEST, join World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) for a press call to hear what importance the Food Systems Summit carries at this moment and what it will take to achieve the scale of systems change needed if we’re to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate.

Experts will dive into what the Summit means for the fight for a more sustainable global food system, including perspectives on land restoration, adaptation and resilience, the role of the ocean, and more. 

WRI and FOLU press call on the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit on September 23 – why it’s important, ideal outcomes, and what it means for other upcoming climate-focused moments like COP26 

Monday, September 20 at 9:00 am EDT / 15:00 CEST


  • Craig Hanson, Vice President for Food, Forest, Water & Ocean, WRI
  • Jayahari (Hari) KM, India Country Co-ordinator, FOLU
  • Sophie Wood, Research Associate, Sustainable Ocean Initiative, WRI
  • Rebecca Carter, Deputy Director, Climate Resilience Practice, WRI
  • Ed Davey, International Engagement Director, Food and Land Use Coalition (respondent)
  • Walter Vergara, Senior Fellow, Global Restoration Initiative, WRI (respondent)
  • Michael Oko, Global Director of Communications, WRI (moderator)

Register here: https://wri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4226-EXESziBXq_-hSxEbg

Email Mansie Hough (mansie.hough@wri.org) to RSVP, ask any questions and/or obtain relevant WRI analysis and insights.