ADVISORY: Press Call: Experts Preview UN Sustainable Development Goals
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Leading experts involved in the formation of the Sustainable Development Goals will provide insight and context into the new goals during a press teleconference on Wednesday, September 16, at 10:00 a.m. EDT.
The call will feature Ambassador Macharia Kamau, permanent representative of Kenya to the United Nations and one of two co-chairs of the Open Working Group that led the intergovernmental process to create the goals. Speakers include: Paula Caballero, senior director, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank and a pioneering voice on the Sustainable Development Goals; Elizabeth Cousens, deputy chief executive officer, United Nations Foundation and former lead U.S. negotiator on the Post-2015 Development Agenda; Manish Bapna, managing director, WRI; and Kitty van der Heijden, director, WRI Europe.
The Sustainable Development Goals will create a new roadmap for global development over the next 15 years. The overarching goal is to eradicate extreme poverty and promote equitable economic growth. The goals put sustainability, including protection of Earth’s natural resources and action on climate change, at their core. The new goals will be formally agreed during a summit with world leaders at the UN on September 25, 2015.
The press call will provide insight into how the goals were created, what makes them new, and what are the essential ingredients to ensure they are implemented successfully.
Opening statements
- [0:00] Michael Oko introduction
- [5:00] Kitty van der Heijden on what makes the SDGs new
- [9:45] Paula Caballero on the origins and history of the SDGs
- [14:30] Ambassador Macharia Kamau on the UN process and challenges for formation
- [20:30] Manish Bapna on SDGs and the environment, international economy
- [26:00] Elizabeth Cousens on significance of the SDGs, implementation, US role
Media Q&A
- [32:00] What do SDGs mean for investors and business?
- [37:30] How does the international community pay for implementation?
- [42:30] How does climate goal connect to UNFCCC process? What would happen for development if these goals did not exist?
- [49:45] Are there too many goals? Is the agenda too vast?
- [56:45] What are specific obligations for national governments? How to hold countries accountable?
- [1:02:30] How can SDGs prompt additional action on climate change?
- [1:07:15] What indicators to look for to show SDG agenda is being implemented?
Press call to preview the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals
Ambassador Macharia Kamau, permanent representative of Kenya to the United Nations
Paula Caballero, senior director, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank
Elizabeth Cousens, deputy chief executive officer, United Nations Foundation
Manish Bapna, executive vice president and managing director, WRI
Kitty van der Heijden, director, WRI Europe
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Conference call starts at 10:00 a.m. EDT
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Photo credit: Ashitaka San, Flickr