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WASHINGTON D.C. (August 3, 2023) - Join World Resources Institute on August 10, 2023 to get a sneak preview of embargoed findings from the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas. The press call will be at 8:30AM EDT / 14:30 CEST and will preview new data on global water stress, as well as projections for future water stress through 2050.

Register here.

The speakers will discuss the unprecedented global water crisis that has been exacerbated by the climate crisis. They will pinpoint the countries already living with extremely high levels of water stress and examine which countries are projected to fall into that category in the coming years. They will also look at the populations, regions, and economies most affected by water stress and what solutions are available.

Both the WRI analysis and the advanced embargoed materials are strictly embargoed until August 16 at 5 AM EDT / 11 AM CEST / 4 PM WIB.

To receive a Dropbox folder of embargoed analysis, data and graphics, email Alison Cinnamond or Marlena Chertock.

Embargoed Press Call to preview Aqueduct findings on future projections on water stress, demand, and supply

Thursday, August 10 at 8:30AM ET / 14:30 CET


  • Samantha Kuzma, Aqueduct Data Lead, Water Program, WRI
  • Elizabeth Saccoccia, Water Security Associate, Water Program, WRI
  • Charles Iceland, Global Director, Water with WRI's Food, Forests, Water, and the Ocean Program, WRI
  • Crystal Davis, Global Director for the Food, Land & Water Programs
  • Moderator: Alison Cinnamond, Strategic Communications and Media Director, WRI

To RSVP, please register here.