PJM Cities and Communities Coalition
Cities driving decarbonization in wholesale electricity markets.

The PJM Cities and Communities Coalition (PJMCCC) is the first formal coalition of local governments with ambitious clean energy goals organized to drive decarbonization at the wholesale electricity market level. These leading cities and communities are dedicated to pursuing solutions to climate change, reducing carbon emissions and removing barriers to decarbonization in their regional wholesale electricity market — the PJM Interconnection.
Current members include Alexandria, VA; Arlington County, VA; Charlottesville, VA; Chicago, IL; Cincinnati, OH; Columbus, OH; Dayton, OH; Delaware County, PA; Montgomery County, MD; Newark, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Richmond, VA; the Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council; and Washington, DC.
PJMCCC membership is open to any local government and certain public entities in the PJM territory. There are no costs or membership fees to join the Coalition.
PJMCCC is a standalone organization comprised of its members, and WRI supports the group's organizational management.
PJM Interconnection is the wholesale market operator for much of the mid-Atlantic region and parts of the Midwest, which includes numerous cities and communities with ambitious climate action goals. In 2022, PJM’s electricity generation consisted mostly of non-renewable energy resources, including 23% coal, 33% nuclear and 36% natural gas. Renewable energy sources represent an insignificant but growing portion of PJM’s electricity generation portfolio at around 7%. PJM operations, market rules and planning processes have a direct effect on the speed and scale of the clean energy transition. These also impact local governments’ energy and decarbonization goals because they affect procurement of large-scale clean energy projects, and the overall carbon intensity of the grid is key to determining the impact of local actions to electrify buildings and vehicles.
Cities and communities play a unique role in their market regions because they are both large consumers of energy and represent the interests of their residents. Across the United States, local governments are emerging as clean energy leaders and have procured over 20 gigawatts of renewable energy over the last seven years. This leadership is catalyzing action across smaller communities and other public institutions. Cities and communities are also well-positioned to incorporate important goals (such as equity goals) into clean energy solutions, advocate on behalf of the consumers in their territory and work holistically on concurrent decarbonization strategies, such as large-scale renewable energy procurement, electrification and efficiency measures.
Mission and Value to Members
The PJM Cities and Communities Coalition launched in 2018 to coordinate the efforts of local governments in the PJM territory that are interested in removing and preventing barriers to decarbonization solutions in their regional wholesale electricity market.
PJMCCC supports members in their clean energy efforts by:
- Supporting and preserving policies that open markets to zero-emission energy sources and storage.
- Ensuring organizational and governance reforms so that cities and other end users can equitably weigh in on key decisions that affect their constituencies.
- Focusing on maintaining access, transparency and accountability in PJM governance and operations.
Enhancing climate resilience and furthering an equitable energy system in local communities.
- Aligning PJM’s long-term planning to be consistent with global climate science, consumer demand for clean energy, and local government climate goals.
PJMCCC recognizes that significant barriers have historically limited the ability of cities and communities to engage in the wholesale market, including the high level of market expertise required to participate, inadequate educational resources and limited staff capacity.
To overcome these issues, PJMCCC offers members:
- Education and capacity-building opportunities in monthly calls featuring subject matter experts and a bi-monthly policy committee call.
- Partnerships with and contacts at similarly-aligned organizations.
- Collective work to formulate solutions and drive decarbonization within the PJM region.
- PJMCCC Overview
- PJMCCC Charter
- PJMCCC Member Application
- PJMCCC Statement on FERC Transmission Rulemaking
- PJMCCC Comments in Response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on Interconnection
- PJMCCC Presentation to PJM Clean Attribute Procurement Senior Task Force
- PJMCCC Op-Ed on the PJM Minimum Offer Price Rule
- PJMCCC Letter to the PJM Board of Managers Regarding the PJM Quadrennial Review
- PJMCCC Comments in Response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Public Comment Period on the Office of Public Participation
- PJMCCC Policy Statement on Energy Storage
For more information or to get involved, contact info@pjmccc.org.
Not in the PJM region, but still interested in this work? Communities in select states in the Midwest and Southern United States can join the MISO Cities and Communities Coalition, a coalition of local governments advocating for an electric grid that supports their goals to lower emissions, strengthen resilience, promote equity, and foster economic opportunity. More information can be found here.
Cover Image by: David Hilowitz/Flickr