Open Book
Enhancing the transparency of countries’ pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Open Book is a WRI initiative to enhance transparency of the NDCs. Through consultation with government representatives, WRI developed a list of information for countries to provide when communicating their then-INDCs in 2015.
As part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), countries pledged to reduce their emissions. These pledges, initially known as intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), are a key component of the Paris Agreement established in December of 2015.
Clarity and transparency are critical for understanding whether the NDCs are collectively ambitious enough to limit global temperature rise to 2°C, the Paris Agreement goal, as well as to foster accountability, trust, and understanding amongst countries.
See the list of information for INDCs (PDF) Ver la lista de información para INDCs (Español/PDF) Voir la liste des informations pour INDCs (Français/PDF)
The list of information for INDCs elaborated on the Lima Call for Climate Action to provide further detail and clarification on each element of information agreed by the COP for Parties that wished to provide additional transparency when submitting their INDCs.
The list was informed by two international GHG accounting and reporting standards developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: the Mitigation Goal Standard and Policy and Action Standard. The list was developed through a consultative process with the participation of several countries.