As the UNFCCC climate finance agenda quickly expands, the growing lists of events, deadlines, and developments have become difficult to track. The UNFCCC Climate Finance Agenda Timeline Tool aims to provide a much-needed overview of the key climate finance milestones. This timeline condenses the moving parts of the UNFCCC climate finance agenda, putting all the pieces into context and providing an easy-to-use overview for experts and the climate-curious alike.

Like the UNFCCC agenda, this tool is evolving and will be updated after the UNFCCC climate conferences with any major decisions.

This tool is being launched in beta mode; we welcome your feedback. Please direct any suggestions, questions, or report any errors to Hayden Higgins.

Quick Facts and Pointers:

  • The timeline encompasses 77 milestones from seven key climate finance workstreams and agenda items.The workstreams included are:
    • The Post-2025 Climate Finance Goal (New Collective Quantified Goal or NCQG)
    • Climate Finance Reporting
    • Standing Committee on Finance
    • Long-Term Climate Finance
    • The Financial Mechanism
    • Adaptation Finance
    • Loss & Damage Finance
  • The timeline does not include finance-related milestones from other UNFCCC workstreams.
  • All milestones are classified by type — submission, report, deliberation, meeting or deadline. Hover over the different classifications in the key for a more in-depth description.
  • For details, decisions, and dates, simply hover over a given milestone and browse the pop-up.
  • Milestones taking place during CMAs, COPs and SBs are highlighted for ease of use.
How to read this table:
No Specified Date
2022 2023 2024 2025
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
New Goal Submissions New Goal Submissions TED Annual Report Technical Paper TED Annual Report TED Annual Report Setting the New Goal
HLMD Summary Report HLMD Summary Report HLMD Summary Report
NCQG Deliberation NCQG Deliberation NCQG Deliberation
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Climate Finance Reporting 9.5 HLMD Summary Report 2nd 9.5 biennial communications Test Electronic Reporting Tools 9.5 In-Session Workshop Summary Report Submissions on Electronic Reporting Tools Final Electronic Reporting Tools 9.5 HLMD Summary Report 3rd 9.5 Biennial Communications 9.5 In-Session Workshop Report
5th BR Update of 9.5 guidelines BTR Web Portal Synthesis Report BTRs
Compilation and Synthesis 5th BR 5th BUR 9.5 Compilation and Synthesis Report
9.5 Compilation and Synthesis Report First BTR 9.5 In-Session Workshop
9.5 In-Session Workshop 9.5 HLMD
9.5 HLMD
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Standing Committee on Finance Submissions on Art. 2.1c Initiation 2nd review of the SCF Conclusion 2nd Review of the SCF NDR
Report on the $100 Billion Goal
Information Relevant to Art. 2.1c
Synthesis of Art. 2.1c Submissions
Climate Finance Definitions
SCF Forum
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Long-Term Climate Finance LTF HLMD HLMD Summary Report LTF LTF HLMD HLMD Summary Report LTF
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Financial Mechanism 8th Replenishment of the GEF Initiation of GCF 2nd Replenishment 7th Review of the Financial Mechanism GCF Pledging Conference 2nd Replenishment
Submissions for GEF Guidance
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Adaptation Finance Submissions for the 4th Review of the AF Technical Paper for the 4th review of the AF Doubling of Adaptation Finance
4th Review of the AF
Conference: SBs56 COP27/CMA4 SBs58 COP28/CMA5 SBs60 COP29/CMA6 SBs62 COP30/CMA7
Loss & Damage Finance Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance Glasgow Dialogue on L&D finance

Note: When referring to decisions by Parties, this tool follows the UNFCCC’s convention in naming decisions. For decisions made by the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP), the decision numbering convention is as follows: ##/CP.##, where the first two digits refer to the decision number and the second two digits refer to the meeting of the COP by its number. For example, decision 1/CP.21 is the first decision taken by Parties at the 21st COP (COP21). For decisions made by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA), the same decision numbering convention applies except ‘CP’ becomes ‘CMA.’ For example, decision 6/CMA.1 is the sixth decision taken by Parties at the first CMA.


Key Climate Conferences

CMA Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement Includes all Parties that signed the Paris Agreement
COP Conference of the Parties  Includes all member Parties of the UNFCCC
SBs Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC The SBs assist the COP and CMA, meet twice a year, first in Bonn in June and then during COP


Milestone Abbreviations

AF Adaptation Fund
BA Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows


Biennial Report
BTR Biennial Transparency Report
BUR Biennial Update Report
CTF Common Tabular Format
GCF Green Climate Fund
GEF Green Environmental Facility
HLMD High-Level Ministerial Dialogue
L&D Loss & Damage
MPGs Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines
NCQG New Collective and Quantified Goal
NDR Report on the Determination of the Needs of Developing Country Parties
SCF Standing Committee on Finance
TED Technical Expert Dialogue
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or the Convention