3 Breakthroughs to Transform Climate Finance in 2023
According to research by Systems Change Lab, roughly $5 trillion of climate finance per year by 2030 is necessary to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Current investments and financial flows remain off track from those levels needed to protect people, nature and biodiversity — and we’re running out of time to correct course.
Join us on June 15, at 10:30 a.m. EDT, for a high-level discussion on how to unleash far more finance to tackle the climate crisis and accelerate sustainable development.
In the context of June’s unprecedented Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, speakers will discuss how public and private finance can deliver on both climate and development goals, especially for developing countries; how the private sector is responding to policy changes and shifting capital allocation to decarbonize the economy; how finance can facilitate the transition away from fossil fuel consumption and production; how development finance institutions can facilitate these changes; how finance will figure at COP28; and more.
Co-hosted by World Resources Institute and the Bezos Earth Fund, the discussion is informed by insights from Systems Change Lab’s new data platform that finds there are six shifts needed to transform finance:
- Measure, disclose and manage climate- and nature-related financial risks
- Scale up public finance for climate and nature
- Scale up private finance for climate and nature
- Extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and marginalized groups
- Price greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental externalities
- Eliminate harmful subsidies and financing
- Paul Bodnar, Director of Sustainable Finance, Industry and Diplomacy, the Bezos Earth Fund
Opening Remarks:
Moazzam Malik, Managing Director for Global Delivery, World Resources Institute
- Avinash Persaud, Special Envoy to the Prime Minister of Barbados on Investment and Financial Services
- Catherine McKenna, Chair of the UN Secretary-General's Expert Group on Net-zero Emissions Commitments
Rachel Kyte, Dean, The Fletcher School at Tufts University
Cover image by Rafael Matsunaga/Flickr
Systems Change Lab
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Visit ProjectOur International Climate Finance work strengthens key policies and governance elements in important international institutions to promote Paris Agreement alignment in finance and uphold the role of climate finance in international negotiations.
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