Many cities, companies and institutions are taking steps to account for the carbon emissions caused by their energy use. But procuring renewable energy only during times when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing—at its cheapest—doesn’t necessarily result in a cleaner electricity system during those periods when wind and sun are in short supply.

Forward-looking cities, companies and institutions have begun to embrace 24/7 carbon-free energy procurement—tracking their energy load temporally, shifting their demand, and purchasing carbon-free energy on an hourly basis to match their usage.

This webinar will provide an introduction to the idea of hourly matching and 24/7 carbon-free energy procurement. It will address questions such as: What is 24/7 carbon-free energy? Why should a city, company, or other institution pursue it? And how can your jurisdiction begin to explore it?

During this webinar—WRI's first in a series of webinars on 24/7 carbon-free energy—experts will provide an overview of the current 24/7 carbon-free energy landscape. This will include presentations by representatives from the Council on Environmental Quality, Peninsula Clean Energy, and Princeton University’s ZERO lab, who will highlight 24/7 commitments and approaches, and illuminate pathways for others to explore 24/7 carbon-free energy. Time will be set aside at the end of the webinar for a Q&A with participants.


  • Tanuj Deora – Director, Clean Energy, White House Council on Environmental Quality
  • Jan Pepper – Chief Executive Officer, Peninsula Clean Energy
  • Jesse Jenkins – Assistant Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Andlinger Center for Energy & Environment, Princeton University


  • Lori Bird — Director, U.S. Energy Program and Polsky Chair for Renewable Energy, World Resources Institute

Cover image by Karsten Würth/Unsplash