Habitat III Pre-Conference Event - Towards a More Equal City: Mobilizing for Post-Quito Implementation
Mayors and ministers will share their perspectives on livable housing, clean energy and sustainable transportation in relation to the New Urban Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Climate Agreement.
Join us for a Habitat III pre-conference event where a high-level panel of mayors and ministers will discuss opportunities and challenges in responding to urgent needs of the under-served in cities as well and the actions cities and organizations can take to achieve the goals of the New Urban Agenda following Quito.
Panelists will focus on the high priority areas of access to livable housing, clean energy and sustainable transportation in the context of implementing the New Urban Agenda post-Habitat III as well as achieving targets under the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 11 focused on cities, and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The event will include:
- High-level panel of mayors and ministers
- Panels on clean and affordable energy to fuel economic productivity; well-located, livable housing; and efficient, sustainable transportation
- Keynote by mayor or well-known urban expert (TBC)
Equal access to core urban services is the entry point to achieving a city that works for all, emphasized by WRI’s flagship publication, the World Resources Report: Towards a More Equal City. The Report is under development with partners including the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), and the World Bank. It focuses on specific, implementable solutions and the enabling conditions required to help cities avoid locking in unsustainable patterns of development.
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