The Aqueduct Global Flood Risk Country Ranking ranks 163 countries by their current annual average population affected by river floods.

Key Findings

Approximately, 21 million people worldwide could be affected by river floods on average each year, and the 15 countries with the most people exposed, including India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and Cambodia, account for nearly 80 percent of the total population affected in an average year.


The Aqueduct Global Flood Risk Country Ranking ranks 163 countries by their current annual average population affected by river floods using the Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer. Approximately, 21 million people worldwide could be affected by river floods on average each year, and the 15 countries with the most people exposed, including India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and Cambodia, account for nearly 80 percent of the total population affected in an average year. A country-wide estimated average flood protection level was given to each country based on its income level.


Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer

A Framework for Global River Flood Risk Assessments

Assessing Flood Risk at the Global Scale: Model Setup, Results, and Sensitivity


Hessel Winsemius, Senior Researcher, Deltares
Phillip Ward, Senior Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies of the VU University of Amsterdam

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