From Commitments to Action
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
WRI’s strength is its people, both individually and collectively. To ensure that WRI does all it can to value people, provide opportunities for growth and ensure that we build a just, equitable workplace, the institute welcomed Dr. Kynai Johnson as its Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in 2021. Under her leadership, the institute has launched a “Critical Coversations” series, which explores organizational culture and the intersections of oppression.
"I joined WRI because, from my perspective, the organization values people, community and a commitment to continue to learn and grow – centering DEI in our practices."
—Dr. Kynai Johnson
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Kynai and her team also launched the Global DEI Ambassador Program, which integrates structural, cultural and behavioral DEI practices across the institute’s offices.
WRI’s Human Resources team provides services that are complementary to the institute’s DEI work. Pay gaps are measured and corrected where necessary to align with WRI’s compensation philosophy: pay for performance, based on market, free of discrimination. WRI is EDGE certified, and is preparing for re-certification in 2022. EDGE is the global leader in certification for gender equality.
The institute invests in staff learning and development, including new hire training and behavioral science education. In WRI’s Leadership Academy, staff members earn a Leadership and People Management Certificate following completion of a year- long program.