What We Do

WRI is a trusted partner for change. Using research-based approaches, we work globally and in focus countries to meet people’s essential needs; to protect and restore nature; and to stabilize the climate and build more resilient communities. We aim to fundamentally transform the way the world produces food, uses energy and designs its cities to create a better future for all. We work across several topics affecting people, nature and the climate:

A key part of our theory of change involves forging trusted partnerships with governments, businesses, research organizations, civil society groups and others to bring the right change-makers together. Learn more about WRI’s 100+ projects, coalitions and initiatives.

Our Global Reach

WRI has nearly 1,800 staff located around the world. In addition to global initiatives and a coordinated regional presence in Africa and Europe, we prioritize work in 12 focus countries: Brazil, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and the United States.

A man holds sticks on a steep hillside

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