WASHINGTON (January 20, 2025) — Today the United States inaugurated Donald Trump the 47th President of the United States. President Trump’s first actions included withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement and pledging to roll back executive orders and other Biden administration policies. 

Following is a statement from Debbie Weyl, WRI US Acting Director:

“On his first day back in the White House, President Trump is trying to turn back the clock on America’s clean energy leadership at the expense of American people and their health. If realized, President Trump’s actions would sacrifice the United States’ competitiveness globally, raise energy prices for American families, and pollute our air. Pledging to roll back climate policies that have created more than 400,000 good-paying American jobs will only hurt workers and our economy. 

“Despite President Trump’s attempts to shatter progress on climate change, a band of governors, mayors and other leaders are committed to stand their ground and enact low-carbon policies that cut costs, create jobs and build cleaner communities. The clean energy revolution will continue regardless of who is in the White House.”