David Jhirad testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Hearing on U.S. Re-Engagement in the Global Effort to Fight Climate Change (May 15, 2007)
Executive Summary
Because of climate change, the United States' foreign aid and security assistance agenda will face new and difficult problems, and the U.S. will need to re-engage with the international community in a constructive way on both mitigation and adaptation. We currently focus on the 2 billion people at the top of the global economic pyramid, but we also need to serve the 4 billion at the base of the pyramid who could be the markets of tomorrow.
Leadership requires a vision of where we want to go as a nation. Taking strong domestic action that stabilizes the climate of our planet and assures energy and economic security for the entire world is a goal worthy of the United States. Congress has an important role to play in re-establishing American leadership, in clarifying our national and international policy, and in persevering long enough to show results.