Yuke Kirana
Data Analyst, Systems Change Lab
Yuke Kirana is a Data Analyst with the Systems Change Lab, where she supports the collection, processing, analysis, and data sharing partnerships of key stakeholders of SCL's monitoring platform. Yuke's work help to capture and understand critical progress of global major economic systems in order to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and shift to nature-positive development.
Born and raised in Indonesia, Yuke holds a B.A. in Earth and Environmental Science and Environmental Studies from Wesleyan University, CT. At Wesleyan, Yuke wrote a thesis on the impacts of landscape water stress and land use on wildfires in Indonesia, using NASA ECOSTRESS and VIIRS products. Yuke has interdisciplinary experience in GIS and remote sensing, academic writing, and data analytics with a focus on land-use changes, forest ecosystem dynamics, and climate change. She is passionate about improving data transparency and accessibility to set credible, accurate, common-base data necessary for long-term strategies and net-zero targets.
In her free time, Yuke enjoys going to museums and making dumplings.
Systems Change Lab
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