Virginia Antonioli
Sustainable Food Systems Manager, Food and Land Use Coalition, WRI Brasil

As a specialist in promoting Sustainable Food Systems, Virginia has worked on project implementation, scientific production, civil society articulation and advocacy on topics such as food loss and waste, urban agriculture, development of policies to promote food sovereignty and security among other topics. Before joining WRI Brasil, Virginia has worked at organizations such as WWF-Brasil and Instituto Escolhas, in addition to experience in the private sector and research institutions.
Virginia has a degree in Environmental Management from the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (EACH-USP) and in Environmental Engineering from Anhembi Morumbi University.
At WRI Brasil, Virginia is the Sustainable Food Systems manager as part of the Forests Program, and her main responsibilities are leading research efforts to promote the best transition to sustainable food systems in Brazil, in addition to representing the institution within the ecosystem of partners active in this agenda, focusing on engagement and articulation.
Food and Land Use Coalition
Launch PlatformLaunch Platform Visit ProjectA community of organizations and individuals committed to the urgent need for food and land use transformation to create a healthier planet and healthier people.
Part of Food