Mariana is the Urban Development Manager at WRI México.

Mariana rejoined the team after collaborating with the federal government as a Technical Coordinator at SEDATU's Subsecretariat for Urban Development and Housing, where she coordinated the planning process for the Urban Improvement Program focused on Neighborhood Improvement. More recently, she served as Deputy Director of Territorial Planning in the Mayan Train Project at FONATUR, where she helped establish technical mobility and urban development criteria for towns with a train station. At WRI Mexico, she was Urban Development Manager and developed urban regeneration projects, urban green areas, public spaces, and urban transformations. Previously, she worked at the Government of Mexico City in the Ministry of Mobility and in the Public Space Authority, as Director of Mobility. During that time, she worked to make streets and public spaces safer and more accessible. From SEMOVI, she participated in the conceptual design and development of the Mobility Law and the Rules of the road of Mexico City and coordinated the project for the construction and launch of the first open transit database of CDMX. Mariana was also responsible for the territorial strategy for public space, for the Pasos Seguros project, and developed content and indicators for both the Comprehensive Mobility Program and the Urban Development and Public Space Program.

Mariana is a geographer, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM and has a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from the London School of Economics. For the last four years, she has been a professor in the Urbanism Degree at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNAM, where she teaches the subject of Urban Mobility.