Joana Oliveira is the Executive Secretary of the Panamazon Network for Bioeconomy, part of the global economics team and the New Economy of the Amazon WRI Regional Initiative. The initiative's goal is to establish a new development pathway for the Amazon biome, transitioning from the current low-value, extractive economy threatened by unsustainable agribusiness and illegality, to one that enhances the value of forest goods and services, integral to national, regional, and global climate and economic health. And critically for the livelihoods of indigenous people and local communities.

The Panamazon Network for Bioeconomy strives to be an agile coalition of multi-level actors dedicated to fostering a locally-led and inspired bioeconomy in the region. This approach aims to conserve the biome, halt its degradation, and strengthen the livelihoods and capabilities of its guardians. As the head of the Network's Secretariat, Joana executes the strategic direction and ensures alignment with the initiative's principles. She plans, structures, and coordinates Network activities, facilitating the sharing of knowledge, experience, and disseminating learnings.

Joana has a rich background in communications, media, and engagement, working for public, private, and civil society organizations in Brazil. She has also worked on public policies for cultural heritage at Brazil's National Institute for Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN).

Joana holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations and a master's degree in Political Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as a technical license in Visual Programming from IFSul.