Dede Sulaeman
Research Analyst for EU SUPA, WRI Indonesia

Dede Sulaeman is a Research Analyst for EU Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA) Project. He is responsible for the research aspect of peatland restoration impact studies and peatland degradation.
Prior to joining WRI Indonesia, He worked for UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) as Country Consultant for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Project. He also worked for Bogor Agricultural University, as part of water management team in SMARTSeeds Program (Information services for vegetable farmers), one of G4AW (Geodata for Agriculture and Water) projects in Indonesia to improve food security by using satellite data. Before this, he worked for various government institutions, NGOs, and in the private sector to do research in the field of land resources management, soil and water conservation, and watershed management – particularly the application of Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) Model in several watersheds in Indonesia.
He holds a Master of Science (M.Sc) in Agriculture (Major: Soil Science) from Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Agriculture (Major: Land Resources Management) from the same university.
In his spare time he enjoys going hiking and other outdoor activities. He also loves reading, doing sports and is really interested in culture.